Recent Activities

Over the last year or so, including a particularly busy summer 2023, B-12 members have successfully completed a number of courses to further prepare for their military careers and increase their skill competencies:
- Air Force Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Officer Selection.
- Army Cadet Summer Training.
- Army Cadet Troop Leadership Training.
- Air Force cadet Field Training.
- Army Air Assault School.
- AMGA Single Pitch Instructor Course.
But that is just the beginning of military training, since B-12 members inevitably go on to bigger and better things after commissioning. Obviously, we’re proud of our alumni – but, in addition, their experiences and stories often help us shape our own career paths, goals, and objectives. Some notable recent experiences and accomplishments from some of our alumni:
- Army Special Forces Selection & Assessment.
- Army Special Operations Forces Captain’s Career Course.
- Army Special Forces Qualification Course.
- Air Force Special Warfare Assessment & Selection.
- Law School.
- Military Intelligence Captain’s Career Course.
- Operation ALLIES REFUGE.
- Field Artillery Captain’s Career Course.
- Army Ranger School.
- Medical School.
- Survival, Evasion, Resistance, & Escape Course (SERE), Level C.
- Infantry Platoon Leadership.
- Company Command.
- Squadron Command
Some photos from CTLT and Air Assault School this summer: