Memorial Day Alumni Reunion

Over Memorial Day weekend, we had the privilege of hosting another B-12 Pershing Rifles alumni reunion in Boston. Alumni traveled from as far away as Hawaii to attend the reunion, reconnect with old comrades, and hear how the company is running these days. Likewise, we were thrilled to see such a great representation of alumni from the various eras of B-12, and to hear some of their stories about what the company was like in the past.
Some pictures from the reunion are now up on this page. If you would like to send in more pictures, please email them to b12prs @ gmail (dot) com so we can post them.
Although we had a good turnout, we would love to attract even more alumni when we hold the next reunion. Unfortunately, our contact information list is still missing the email addresses of many alumni. If you are an alumnus but did not receive the email invitations, please fill out the updated Alumni Registration Form to ensure that you will receive future communications. You can also update your information if any of it has changed.