Congratulations to P/R CPT (Ret.) Alixandra Powers!

We’d like to express our congratulations to P/R CPT (Ret.) Alixandra Powers of the 120th Pledge Class, who commissioned today as a 2LT in the US Army. She will next attend the Basic Officer Leaders Course for the Medical Service Corps, before moving on to flight school for training as a MEDEVAC pilot.
In addition to serving as our commander, 2LT Powers served as the company Drill Sergeant, Operations Officer, and Executive Officer at various times throughout her service in B-12 Pershing Rifles, and played an instrumental role during an initiative to update the company’s instructional methods. She also had the opportunity to plan and oversee several of our major training operations and to act as a team leader as part of the company’s efforts to mentor and develop younger members.
As an ROTC cadet at Northeastern University, 2LT Powers attended the Army’s Airborne and Air Assault schools, as well as Cadet Troop Leader Training (fortuitously at a MEDEVAC unit). During her MSIV year, she served as the Cadet Battalion Executive Officer in the Fall and was chosen to be the primary planner and officer-in-charge of the major field exercise for the entire Brigade this Spring. Upon commissioning, she received the Distinguished Military Graduate award, which is reserved for the top 20% of cadets nationwide.
We wish her well in all her future endeavors and we hope that she will someday come back to visit and impart her knowledge and insight on future generations of B-12 members.