Advanced Climbing & LandNav

This weekend’s training session was focused on advanced (lead) climbing and advanced day and night landnav.
In Pershing Rifles, climbing is a fun activity that brings people out to play, but it is also constitutes a set of skills which must be performed correctly every single time and is therefore good preparation for mastering other skillsets. Lead climbing is an especially challenging endeavor, so interested members spend a good amount of time practicing their skills before undertaking it for real.

Land Navigation is a basic B-12 skill which all members must master, and every new member trainee receives significant training in both the basics of landnav and the more advanced skills (which can nevertheless be critically important). By the end of Member Training, new members will have learned to navigate without using a protractor to plot their points and even without using a compass.
New members also use this time to learn the area in which we run the Land Navigation & Endurance Course during Candidate Term.